About me

Hi, Welcome to my blog. 

I am an Industrial Designer based out of New Delhi, India.I specialise in Product Design & Styling.

 I graduated as an Architect from School of Planning & Architecture, Delhi in 1999 & practiced architecture for two years, setting up my own firm in association with two of my contemporaries. In the year 2001 I joined National Institute of Design, for the post graduate program in Product Design.The idea was to widen the my scope of operation in the area of design.While at NID co-founded the Industrial Design Studio, Qumulus Design.

Since have been a part of organisations like Flextronics,Whirlpool of India etc.

This blog is a bank of my work in the past.I have touched upon many avenues like consumer electronics, Home Appliances, Retail Design & a multitude of others.

If you need more information, want to publish any of my work or just get in touch do drop a note.

I am available at mit.saxena@gmail.com

Enjoy your visit 


So does all this work not get boring? What do I do when I am not working?

Actually all this work is quite fun & I did enjoy doing most of it.

But apart from work I love traveling. Beaches are the favorite destination.Though right now Bhutan is at the top of my list.Hopefully some time soon.

I also love futuristic Concept Art & its applications, like design & detailing for movies, the sets, props & characters, for example the transformer robots from the transformer movie, The Depo-bot was an attempt in the direction 

All kind of sports interest me & love martial arts in all its forms, including movies.Have trained exhaustively in the past & hold a brown belt in Okinawan - Shōtōkan-ryū, love Swimming,

Bionics & its technological applications interest me.

What's with Architecture?
I graduated as an architect from SPA in the year 1999.Five years of education & then 2 years of practice in the field.I handled a variety of projects right from educational institutions to comercial complexes to residential spaces.

This background in the 'oldest of design functions in the world' did shape my perspective on things in all my future endeavors including industrial design.

Why does Mr Poky look so stuck up?
Mr Poky is a very serious guy. He keeps a close watch on all I do, specially work. He is a stickler for quality & makes sure all the work matches upto his high standards.

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